Darn me for not saving it!!!
So, I forgot about the picture, or at least tried to forget about it. Something about this photograph stuck with me... maybe it's her reflection in the water, or the color of the water, or the focus on the bride... I don't know. But in as much as I tried to forget about it... I couldn't.
But I also couldn't remember who took the darned photograph either!!!
Then I found it!!! The Gospel Choir started singing in the background! It's A BLOGGING MIRACLE!
And even more so... my friends from K-Gallery took the darned picture!
Yes, this is a great picture!
Hey, I don't know if I missed it or you just haven't posted it yet...but what was the big surprise that you had mentioned a few weeks ago??? I'm anxious to know what it was!
I LOVE that choir!!! lol
when somthing like that happens, I pretend that I am the choir!
Congrats on finding the pic. it is an amazing picture!!
I haven't quite revealed the super secret project yet - sorry! It's taking a weee bit longer than I anticipated... but I am so excited about it!!!
This TtD session image is really cool. Contrast the cool tones with the warm facial tones and you get magic. The K-Gallery team is so talented.
Stewart P.
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