Thursday, November 15, 2007

Registry, it's not just for Weddings anymore!

Okay, so by now I am sure you've heard about it, My Registry - and in case you haven't give me a moment to explain. Basically, for Christmas, Hanukkah, Birthday's, Holidays, or just everyday - you can register for gifts. Whatever you want. And this will allow your friends and family to know exactly what you want, instead of them guessing.

Let me know what you think- I think, that I think it's a terribly cheesy idea, but then there is that side of me that wants to like it, because my Grandmother is the Queen of Terrible Gifts...but then again, she doesn't know what an Internet is....

Let me know in the comments, cheesy or a wonderfully ingenious idea!


*~ Jane & Tricia ~* said...

I think its a wonderful idea but I dont think that I would register lol It would make things easier though if my dad and husband would :0)

*~ Jane & Tricia ~* said...
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Anonymous said...

I think it's terrible! Especially since you can register for cash - it just seems all too tacky.

Anonymous said...

I think it's an okay idea - if it's done tastefully.

Anonymous said...

Jane and Jennifer have a good poit. I work at It's a service similar that provides a superset of My Registry's functionalities. There are other services similar to MyRegistry or Wishpot.

We have tens of thousand of users and it's really about how they use it. In many cases the list is a "suggestion" list. In other cases the list is maintained by others - for example there are a lot of moms that maintain a list for their kids or bridesmaid that maintain a list for the shower.

You have to think of it like a tool. It's up to the user to make most of it.

Personally, as a gift buyer I know that it makes my life much easier :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting idea. I think I like it--no more useless gifts. Less waste...also, you could use it when planning a surprise party for someone...and I really like the photo gallery option...think of this, you can post photos from the party afterwards for everyone to enjoy.

Liene Stevens said...

I've registered for gifts before. I was tired of things that took up space and needed certain things for my home, so I registered. Why should married gals get all the fun? :) Now I usually just keep an Amazon wishlist to give my family ideas for Christmas.

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