Monday, March 21, 2011

I Do!

So, I love Colbie Calliat, I just do... and when I heard this song, I knew it would be a winner for a wedding, and for me to play over and over and over again.

But really, what a great first dance, or a cake cutting, or introduction song, maybe even a recessional song.


  1. Oh my gosh this is perfect for a wedding video...thank you for posting this!!!

  2. Yes, yes, yes! That song is very nice and it can be a bubbly and joyful song for a wedding. :)

  3. This song is cute. I have been searching high and low for wedding songs that don't drag. This may very well work!

  4. What a pretty song! Perfect tempo for a fun first dance.

  5. I love this song and this video. I adore Colbie....thanks for posting!


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