Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday Fun!

This is totally not wedding related, I mean 100% not! But it's Friday (so goof off!), and when I saw this on Blissful Bride, I knew I had to try!
So you go to this website and upload a picture of yourself, and then pick a year, and off you go!
You can have a picture of you, from any year starting in the 1950's through the 90's...
Here is me in 1958!

And in 1968...Personally, I think this is better than my 1980's actual yearbook pictures!

Have Fun, and Happy Friday!


  1. Pshhh! How awesome do you look! I'm loving the second one. These are so great, right?

  2. You look so cute in 1968! I love that.

  3. Look at you! What a fun website. I wish they would show what a particualr bride would look like if she got married decades ago. That would be fun!


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