Thursday, June 19, 2008

Do you Want to Be a Planner?

Have you fallen in love with the idea of being a Wedding Consultant? Did you plan your wedding and just can't seem to get weddings out of your mind? Do you feel you are made for this job?

Don't forget that we are planning a 2-Day Seminar to teach you the ins and out's of this fantastic career! We'll teach you everything you need to know about being a consultant how to work with clients, basically the whole sch-bang!
Spaces are filling up quickly!!! Why not learn from the best?

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! Guess what? I whacked off my hair! 10 inches chopped off to donate to Locks of Love. I'm sportin the short bob, sort of like Rhianna, but even on both sides and a little longer. Can't wait to show you. We all need to hang out soon so that I can show you. Oh yes, this class of yours I'd like to sit in on it. One of my co-workers wants to be a wedding planner, and I'll be sure to let her know of your class. Talk to u later


Tell me your Awesometastic Idea!