Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Do we Inspire you?

Found via Hostess with the Mostess via Pinterest
What do pink foggy drinks have to do with this post.

Not much. But they sure look cool!

Anyway, I feel so honored when a planner, friend, stationer, designer, says they their client found something on our blog and were so inspired by that they they want to do {fill in the blank}.

So, when I saw this from Events North. I was just so honored.

We at The Awesometastic Blog, love Events North, and the fact that they find us inspiring, is well, inspiring!

Here's toasting to you, and hoping you find some inspiration from our little bloggity blog!



  1. Surely it is a source to get inspired. I toast to that!

  2. Would love one to keep our engagement photos in!

    Lucknow Wedding Planners


Tell me your Awesometastic Idea!