Friday, August 26, 2011

DIY: Scratch off Save-the-dates

I saw this adorable idea for DIY save-the-dates at Martha Stewart Weddings. They are scratch off!! I think this is such a unique idea and so much fun!

These are a great way to entice your guests, they immediately know that your wedding is gonna be one they don't want to miss out on!

Click here to find out how to make these cute creations!


  1. These are so cute! My invitations in the 90's were cute...but this is amzingly over the top. LOVE it!

  2. Well the weddings should be so amazing that nobody could forget...Make it memorable..

  3. Well...its fun doing this.I tried it but i think i did some mistakes...I think i mixed too much of soap in it.

  4. Well i went through your post! and i enjoyed the stuff!!Your ideas are always unique..

  5. Its instead you can make the invitations look like looking glasses it’ll take more effort but I think it could be awesome

  6. I always have a strong concept that the wedding ceremonies should be great that anyone can't forget it.!


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