Friday, July 24, 2009

Dance Me, Daddy Giveaway

Thrilled to announce that we have three copies of the beautiful, hardcover book "Dance Me, Daddy" to give away to our readers. This book, written by Cindy Morgan, is based on the Point of Grace song "King of the World" -- which, by the way, would make a perfect father-daughter dance for any close daddy and his little girl on her wedding day. And, truly, we think this would make a perfect gift for him too (on your wedding day or any other day you want to honor him).
So, to enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post explaining who you would give it to and why by Wednesday, July 29th at 11:59EST. And, three randomly selected entrants will be given copies of this beautiful hardcover. 
Happy entering!


  1. I would put this book away for a few months and give it to my husband when our second daughter is born at the end of the year!

  2. i was JUST looking up father/daughter songs. this book would be a perfect gift for my dad for my wedding next july. i'm off to listen to the song you suggest now too!

  3. This would be a great gift for my husband for anytime of the year! But I know the PERFECT occasion to give it to him!

    We are planning on renewing our wedding vows (possibly in the winter), and having a small celebration with our close family and friends.
    I would love to surprise him with a daddy-daughter dance (with OUR little girl - we have a two and a half year old daughter) to the "Dance Me, Daddy" song!
    And then, I would give him the book afterwards as a present.

    Having a "second wedding" and this type of "father-daughter dance" has a very significant meaning to us.. in which I'd like to share a personal story...

    My husband and I got married in July 2002. Just six months later, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Everything from that moment on had changed.. The next three years were the toughest times we ever had to experience. Long story short... My husband had to undergo very harsh treatments of chemotherapy, was very very ill and could no longer work, and he even had to get a blood transfusion. The doctors told us he may not be able to have children. This only added to the pain from the experience.

    Sometimes life works in mysterious ways. In April 2006, we discovered I was pregnant! Although it was unplanned, it was the best thing that ever happened to us! In January 2007, I gave birth to a beautiful and most importantly, HEALTHY baby girl!! She is truly a miracle and a gift from God!

    But since we never had the opportunity to enjoy our life as "newlyweds" and thereafter, we want to be able to get married again and "start over" with the hope of new happy memories.
    And the reason for the daddy-daughter dance is.. my husband may honestly never get the chance to do this (for our daughter's wedding in the future).
    According to recent CT scans, he most likely has 10-15 years (max.) left to live.
    Hopefully, he will at least be able to see our daughter graduate high school!

    Despite all that has happened, we try not to lose faith or hope. We continue to pray every day, and enjoy every minute with our precious daughter, who is truly "Daddy's Little Girl" and "Daddy's Gift!"

    (Sorry this comment was long, but I tried my best to explain in as few words as possible - Thank you for reading it!)

  4. This would be an adorable gift to give to my dad when we get married. I've always been "his little girl".

  5. I've been looking for a children's book to give to my dad for my wedding. I've known what to get my mom all along, but didn't know what one to get for my dad. Ever since I was little, we would start dancing spontaneously, a lot of times with me on his feet, to just about any song. This book would absolutely perfect for him. :)

  6. can't wait to learn the winner!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. me too! When will we find out??

    Thanks again for having this great giveaway!!


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