Monday, December 15, 2008

Winter White...revisited

As the Holiday Party season is upon us, I was thinking about what to wear. Obviously the cute red number that I got on sale at White House Black Market is top runner, but you can't wear the same dress to all of the parties, right?

The other week, while finding inspiration for an inspiration board, I mentioned that I was headed to a party, and the girls in my office suggested forced me to wear a white dress.

{Katie - from Sweetwater, Me, Jessica - Solutions Bridal}

I was honestly, hesitant, you don't wear white after Labor Day - at least that is what I've always thought. I was concerned that wearing a white {even Winter White} might be perceived as passe. But, frankly, I kind of liked it.

How do you feel about wearing white after Labor Day? {Just not to a wedding.... as a guest...)


  1. Ooooh that first dress is looovely! I'm with you I am always hesitant to wear white (even winter white) after Labor Day. But then, I'm also a firm believer that you can wear pretty much anything as long as you rock it with confidence. :-) Either way, you look fabulous!

  2. I love winter white it looks great and stands out from the sea of black and red.

  3. You look fabulous girl!! I'm a fan of winter white!!


Tell me your Awesometastic Idea!