Friday, January 11, 2013

One Year Cake Smash Ombre

Zachary had a pretty rough first year. And I knew when he turned one, we'd have to "go big or go home" and unfortunately he got sick right around his birthday, so there was no party... but instead, we had an awesome photo shoot. Huge thanks to Kathy from KB Kakes for making an incredible Ombre cake, not once but twice for Z!

And Krystal from Verve Studio for the incredible location and the fab photo's!

As ya'll know, cake smash sessions can go really awesome, or well, the kid can stick his pointer finger in the cake, make a face and you're done, the end.

But Zachary, well, he's an "all in" kinda kid.

Whaaaa, is there something on my face?

Holy, flying frosting batman!

It was awesome.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Art Inspired Wedding

Found Via: Thingsfestiveweddingblog
We worked on a wedding with a similar theme years ago, and this totally struck me classy and super fun.

What do you think?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Orange and Tangerine Wedding Inspiration

Found Via: Bowties and Bliss

I think this is so striking and gorgeous! Do you love it too, or does it scream Go Fins!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Awesometastic Family Fun

The Last of our Christmas Fun.

Just thought I would share the love. We really had a beautiful holiday - next up super awesome wedding fantasicalness.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Elf on the Shelf Schinagans

Yes, we had an Elf on the Shelf, his name is Reggie, and this was the first year that Reggie was at our house, he was really great at teach Gabriel about Christmas (and also, a behavior tool)...

Reggie was a lot of fun.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Holiday Bucket List - Update

An update on my holiday bucket list....

I know you have been dying to know what we've been up to here... and really we've been up to our eye balls in jingle bells, so I am happy to get back to blogging!

My Holiday Bucket List
Go to a Christmas Tree Lighting and Play in the Snow. So, this didn't happen... we tried, we waited for over 2 hours to get to a Tree Lighting with snow, by the time we got close both boys were tired, and hungry... the traffic was reeeee-dic-ulos, but we tried. So that almost counts, right?

Visit Santa with the boys This was a major score! Got some great pictures of the boys with Santa, a great one of Zachary screaming, which to me, honestly, is the best picture. Zachary loves life, and loves everyone and everything, so for him to cry, was really funny... to all of us. Santa included.

Help a Family in Need
Volunteer to help those in Need Unfortunately, we didn't get to help as many people as I would have liked. I wanted to cross this off the list more than anything else, and it just didn't happen. So, I vow to do this throughout the year, and not just at Christmastime.

Remind myself daily of the blessings I have. I made a point to make sure, I stopped at least one time a day, and take in what blessings I have in my life. I am so blessed to live where I live and how we live, and our boys, and our health... sometimes it's easy to take it for granted.  Not to say, that this Christmas was without illness, I found myself in the ER, and Zachary almost had to go to the ER not once by twice. But regardless, we still be abundantly blessed.

Make Hot Apple Cider at least once a week Okay, so we made it twice. But it was delicious!

Spend Time with my friends I tired, I really did. I went out once with my girlfriends and once with John. So that's more than usual, but not as many times as I had hoped.

Make amends with a family member Ummmm.... yeah, I need to work on my forgiveness skills.

Celebrate Christmas Eve with our Family and Friends Done. Not as many friends as I would have loved to celebrate with, but the ones that mean the most to our hearts were here.

Go to Midnight Mass Late. But we were there.
Drive around to see the lights with Gabriel. Yes and yes. We called it a Light Hunt, and he still wants to go one them. I hope the lights are as exciting to him every year. I will miss hearing "Wook Wook, WOOK WOOK!!!! MOMMY WOOK, WIGHTS!"

Make sure Gabriel understands the true meaning of Christmas I am pretty sure Gabriel sang Happy Birthday Jesus at least 876 times a day. And when I told him that "Tomorrow is Christmas Day, the day that we have been waiting for, Jesus' Birthday", he said "Mommy, again, we celebrated Jesus' birthday in school with Miss Joy"

Make sure our Christmas Cards go out on time Phew! Yes!

Spend Quality time with my husband I feel like we got some time together, but definitely not enough. Does anyone with kids feel like as hard as you tried to spend time together, it's just not the same as it was before kids? We really have to work at spending time together, and not time after the kids go to bed, and sit on the couch and fall asleep time.

Help the hubs get the outside Christmas Decor done I watched the kids, he did the lights.

Go to as many Christmas Parties as we can We went to, uh, none.

Move the Elf around every night (and make sure he gets into some mischief). I only forgot one night, and I woke up at 6AM and moved his happy butt. (Next post will be an elf montage)

Spend quality time with my kids Done.

Hold a Christmas Party for my husband's staff We did, had a great dinner at Dragonfly and got the staff, uh, tipsy.
Not worry so much about work, and focus on my friends and family I tried. Counts, right?

Bake Cookies and Treats for all of my neighbors I did, not as much as I would have liked, but I did.

Thank the person who made sure we had a Christmas last year (and pay it forward) I hope she knows what she did for us, means the world to us, and I have sufficiently thanked our personal angel.

Really take the time to "take in" what is around me Done.

Watch my Sappy Fa La La La Lifetime Christmas Movies with a box of tissues This got completely missed. And I'm okay with that, we traded this out for movies that will teach Gabriel about Santa... Totally worth it.

Make sure Gabriel and Zachary have the best Christmas ever.Mission Accomplished

I hope you had your own Holiday Bucket list, and really had the best Holiday Season EVER!