Thursday, January 24, 2008

Our Tips Were Noticed!

Our local paper apparently reads my blog (at least someone is) and wants to have our
5 Tips to a Better Wedding in Friday's (1/25/2008) paper!
Whoooo Hooo!!!


Aletha | Pearls Events said...

I read your blog religiously, Melissa! :) That's awesome that the local paper found you--very cool.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We look forward to opening up the paper this Sunday!

Anonymous said...

oh yay!! many congrats!


reillyatic said...

That is awesome! Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! I love reading your blog.. HOW EXCITING!!!

Melissa DiStefano said...

Thanks guys, you are too sweet!!!

Aletha- I am so honored to have you visit me every day!

Krystal - I officially met Matt last night!! We'll have to go out to Dragonfly sometime!

And everyone else, you totally made my day! My week.... seriously!!!

Kara Pennington Photography said...

Congrats - that's awesome!!

saundra, event engineer said...

very, VERY cool.....congrats!

Blogging tips